how Seniors Can Combat Health Problems

How Seniors Can Combat Health Problems They May Face

But which diseases or disorders do elderly people suffer most from? Are there any possibilities for improving their health conditions, we are going to discuss how seniors can combat health problems they may face?

Common problems and most common diseases among the elderly


Among the most common health problems, which affect a large part of the elderly population. We can certainly mention respiratory fatigue, better defined as “dyspnea”. Over the years, many elderly people may find that they can no longer climb steps or walk uphill easily and naturally, experiencing severe difficulty in breathing and generally a feeling of breathlessness.

Unfortunately, dyspnea is a fairly common situation, but above all a symptom that can indicate various pathologies. In fact, it could be a sign of heart or respiratory problems, or even anemia. It is also common in people who smoke or who are overweight.

Another very common health problem, and which sometimes goes hand in hand with dyspnea, is the loss of balance. It is not uncommon for the elderly person to fall down the stairs or out of the shower due to this disorder. Sometimes with serious consequences. Over time, a situation of this type can lead to more and more motor difficulties, especially as a result of trauma or injury.

These are indeed quite common situations, which should not be underestimated, since these can also be symptoms of more serious pathologies, of a neurological and neurodegenerative nature.


Another disease that can have a very negative impact on the quality of life of the elderly person is diabetes. A condition characterized by the excessive presence of glucose in the blood, due to quantitative or functional alterations of insulin, the hormone produced by the pancreas, which allows the entry of glucose itself into the cells used as a source of energy.

Diabetes, if not diagnosed and treated, can have very serious consequences on a person’s health in the long run: it can cause problems with eyesight, kidneys and nervous system.

Senile Dementia

Finally, you will certainly have heard about senile dementia, a chronic dysfunction of the main brain functions. Regarding the main health problems of the elderly, which over time leads to the decline of the cognitive faculties of the individual. According to a study by EpiCentro, it is a condition that affects 1 to 5% of the population over the age of 65, up to 30% after the age of 80.

In some less serious cases, this condition does not radically change the life of the individual. Who manages to orient himself and remain autonomous.  If the individual needs treatment options for mild dementia there are several over the counter options that can help, and support from friends and family that can help prevent mental health problems associated with dementia. But unfortunately, when we talk about dementia, there are also much more serious cases. Such as those in which, even after years, Alzheimer’s is diagnosed.

This disease often begins to manifest itself in a subtle way, with the person simply forgetting things, up to the point where it is no longer possible to recognize the closest family members and carry out the simpler activities independently and safely. It is a condition that radically changes the quality of life of the individual and that of those around him. As the disease progresses, individuals with Alzheimer’s require 24/7 care to ensure their safety and well-being. This level of care can be provided in a variety of settings, including in-home care, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities. Assisted living facilities in Florida and nearby are often the preferred option for Alzheimer’s patients because they provide a safe and supportive environment that is designed specifically to meet their needs.

As we have seen, the health problems of the elderly can be of different types and of different severity: How Seniors Can Combat Health Problems? There are common disorders. Like quite widespread, and even serious pathologies that can make the subject’s life more difficult and less serene.

So, are there any activities, advice that can be useful for prevention, when possible, or to improve the health conditions of elderly people?

Tips for better health

How Seniors Can Combat Health Problems? It is certainly true that people are more exposed to the risk of disease as they age. But in reality, aging is not always the main cause of a person’s health problems.

These can be caused by a number of causes, including the person’s habits. In this sense, a healthy lifestyle is the first form of prevention of many ailments and pathologies.

The main tips? Pay attention to your diet, which must be well balanced. Always dedicate yourself to some physical activity, even with advancing age and perhaps followed by specialized personnel, avoid smoking and periodically undergo medical checks. If you’re worried about transportation to the doctor’s office or being exposed to illness while there, schedule a concierge screening in Los Angeles. Healthcare professionals will come to your home to conduct exams and administer treatment, ensuring your comfort and privacy.

Moving regularly

This is very important, not only for your general condition, but also because constant physical activity helps to keep muscles healthy and strong. And in this sense, it helps to prevent a series of motor disorders that could limit in the long run. The autonomy of the elderly person, as well as the aforementioned dyspnea.

Healthy Diet 

Sports and a healthy diet also help prevent diabetes, which we have talked about, while in the event that this disease has already been diagnosed. They are essential elements to keep it under control and maintain a good state of health.

Prevention is also essential to combat osteoporosis. In this case, the earlier you start the better, even when you are young. Being careful to introduce the sufficient amount of calcium in the diet and doing regular motor activity.

keep the mind active

Finally, let’s not forget the importance of keeping the mind active too! The main weapon against dementia-related disorders is not to stop training your mind, reading books, working, helping grandchildren with their homework, just to give examples. But the activities can really be the most disparate. The important thing is that they involve the person directly, make them active and involved.

Unfortunately, we know well that all these measures can sometimes do nothing against some pathologies.

In cases where, for example, the person is no longer able to be completely autonomous, due to various types of motor difficulties. The first thing to do could be to help him with specific tools. Like starting from sticks, walkers, up to stairlifts designed for the elderly or small indoor lifts. In some cases, home care could also prove to be a good solution.

Regardless of the pathologies you suffer from, it is of fundamental importance to always follow the instructions of your doctor. Undergo periodic visits and correctly take the medicines that are prescribed.

After all, the rule for staying healthy as much as possible is always the same. At all ages: to love yourself and learn to take care of yourself.

Also Read: Types of mental health problems

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